Tuesday 15 September 2015

UPDATE 'Non-humans drove GIANT CARS on Earth millions of years ago and tracks are STILL visible'

Dr Alexander Koltypin, a leading geologist in his home country, claims that mysterious groove-like
markings in the Phrygian Valley of central Turkey were artificially made by all-terrain vehicles and NOT created by any natural process.
The scientist, a director of the Natural Science Scientific Research Centre at Moscow's International Independent University of Ecology
and Politology, has just returned from a field trip to the site in Anatolia with three colleagues.
He described the markings as "petrified tracking ruts in rocky tuffaceous deposits" made from
compacted volcanic ash.
He said: "We can suppose that ancient vehicles on wheels were drove on soft soil, maybe a wet
"Because of their weight the ruts were so deep.
"And later these ruts - and all the surface around - just petrified and secured all the evidence.
"Such cases are well known to geologists, for example, the footprints of dinosaurs were 'naturally preserved' in a similar way."

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