Tuesday, 29 September 2015

On '60 Minutes,' Donald Trump Accidentally Proposes Radical Reform Of U.S. Healthcare

In an interview with 60 Minutes ,
America’s most-watched television news
magazine, Donald Trump, America’s
most-watched presidential candidate,
basically just promised that he can defy
I’m not talking about his vow that he
could reduce taxes on the middle class —
for some people, rates would go down to
zero! — and corporations and pay for it
by going after Wall Street fat cats and
growing the economy. I’ll leave the
plausibility of that to others. I’m talking
about Trump’s faster treatment of the
way he would repeal and replace
President Barack Obama’s signature
achievement, the Affordable Care Act, or
Trump’s assurance, repeated again: he
will make sure that every person in the
country has health insurance, and will
do so in a way that lowers rates for most
Americans. And, he claims, he would do
this in a way that actually lowers costs
over the long term. In order to help the
poorest 25% of the population, Trump
said, he’d “make a deal with existing
hospitals to take care of people.”
Sounds great. Except that’s what
Medicaid, the program that already exists
to take care of the poor, already does. It
drives a hard bargain, and, as a result,
56% of psychiatrists and 40% of
orthopedic surgeons don’t accept
Medicaid patients . How does Trump
expect to drive a harder bargain?
And as for the rest of the market, as my
colleague Bruce Japsen writes , Trump is
describing something very much like
Obamacare, which he says is “a disaster.”
Trump’s words: “[I]t’s going to be a
private plan and people are going to be
able to go out and negotiate great plans
with lots of different competition with
lots of competitors with great companies
and they can have their doctors, they
can have plans, they can have

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