1. You know what you like: Self pleasure makes it that much easier to figure out exactly what you like and how to get it. You alone knows what turns you on and it would make S£x with your partner so much better if you can clearly
communicate this with them as opposed to just letting them guess.
2. Stress reliever: Just like studies show that regular s.ex helps relieve stress, m@sturbation helps in that regards too. If you are stressed and
a partner is unavailable, you can easily relive this stress through self pleasure and find yourself so much more relaxed after your session.
3. No risk of STDs: In this day and age, you have to be extra careful when engaging in S£xual activities with a partner (or partners) as the risks of getting some kind of S£xually Transmitted Disease have skyrocketed.
M@sturbation does not pose this problem. You get the perks of S£xy time without putting your health at risk.
4. Less risk of prostrate cancer: While studies
on this topic are still a bit unclear, one recent study has revealed that men who £jaculated more than five times a week were a third less
likely to develop prostate cancer.
5. More likely to org@sm: The chances of women getting to orgasm during s.ex are quite
low but a woman who pleasures herself from time to time has a higher chance of achieving
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