Saturday 5 September 2015


Arguments for and against the existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and others for thousands of years. In philosophical terms, such arguments involve primarily the disciplines of epistemology (the nature and
scope of knowledge) and ontology (study of the nature of being , existence , or reality) and also the theory of value, since concepts of
perfection are connected to notions of God. A wide variety of arguments exist which can be categorized as metaphysical, logical, empirical, or subjective . The existence of God
is subject to lively debate in philosophy.

Scientifically, God Does Not Exist
It is possible to say that, scientifically, God does not exist -
just as science is able to discount the existence of a myriad of other alleged beings.

Evil Conflicts with the Existence of God:God Doesn't Care or God Doesn't Exist
Closely associated with taking action that should be considered immoral is the fact that there is so much evil in the world today. If there are any gods, why don't they act to eliminate it? The absence of
substantive action against evil would be consistent with the existence of evil or at least indifferent gods, which is not impossible, but few people believe in such gods. Most claim that their gods are loving and powerful; the suffering on Earth makes their existence implausible.

Theists Fail to Provide Good, Rational, Sound Reasons to Believe in God
Perhaps the most basic reason for not believing in any gods is the absence of good reasons for doing so. Since the burden of support lies first and foremost with those making the positive the claim — the theistic,
religious believers who say their god exists — non-believers don't need reasons not to believe. They may help, but they aren't particularly necessary. Instead, what is required are reasons to believe.

All Evidence Points to Life Being
Material & Natural, Not Supernatural
Most religions say that life is much more than the flesh and matter we see around us. In addition, there is supposed to be some sort of spiritual or supernatural realm behind it all and that our "trueselves"
is spiritual, not material. All evidence, though, points to life being a purely natural phenomenon. All evidence indicates that who we really are — our selves — is material and dependent upon the workings of the brain. If this is so, religious and theistic doctrines are wrong.

Faith is Unreliable & Unreasonable:
Faith is Not a Source of Knowledge
A common characteristic of both theism and religion is their reliance on faith: belief in the existence of a god and in the truth of religious doctrines is neither founded upon nor defended by logic, reason, evidence, or science. Instead, people are supposed to have faith — a position they wouldn’t consciously adopt with just about any other issue. Faith, though, is an unreliable guide to reality or means for acquiring knowledge. Faith can be used to defend anything and everything equally.

How Can Moral Gods Behave Immorally?
Why Believe in Immoral Gods?
In most religions, gods are supposed to be the source of all morality. For most believers, their religion represents an institution for promoting an ideal model of
morality. In reality, though, religions are responsible for widespread immorality and gods have characteristics or histories which
make them worse than the most vile human serial killer. No one would tolerate such behavior on the part of a person, but when with a god it all becomes laudable — even an
example to follow.

Gods Are Too Similar to Believers: Gods Probably Created in the Image of Humans
A few cultures, like ancient Greece, have postulated gods which appear to be as natural as human beings, but in general gods are supernatural. This means that they are fundamentally different from human beings or anything on earth. Despite this, however, theists consistently describe their gods in ways that make the supernatural appear
almost mundane. Gods share so many characteristics with humans that it has been argued that gods were made in the image of man.

Religion & Religious Doctrines are Self- Contradictory
No religion is perfectly consistent when it comes to doctrines, ideas, and history. Every ideology, philosophy, and cultural tradition has inconsistencies and contradictions, so this shouldn't be
surprising — but other ideologies and traditions aren't alleged to be divinely created or divinely sanctioned systems for following the wishes of a god. The state of
religion in the world today is more consistent with the premise that they are man-made institutions.

Creation or Evolution?
There is an all-important question that is inseparable from the question of God’s existence. The question of whether life on Earth exists, because of blind, dumb luck and chance, through evolution, or because of
special creation by a Supreme Being, cannot be avoided in studying the existence of God.

Did all life on Earth evolve over millions of years, as evolutionists assert—or did an all- powerful God author it at Creation? Most
people assume evolution is true, just as those who believe in God assume His existence. I also studied this question—evolution vs. Creation—in depth, during the same period that I sought to prove God’s existence.
I learned that it takes far more “faith” to believe in the intellectually chic and fashionable evolutionary myth than it does to believe in the existence of God. In fact, I learned that evolution is based entirely on faith because no facts or proof have ever been found to support it!

Faith and Proof
Faith does play a role in the life of a Christian.
For the person who truly wants to seek God and learn to please Him, notice: “Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that comes to God must believe that He is , and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him…” ( Heb. 11:6 ).
Faith is vital to a Christian. In fact, without it, no one can please God. Notice that this verse says that those seeking God “ must believe that He is .” A deep belief in God, who “rewards” all who “diligently seek Him,” requires PROOF of His existence. After proof has been
established, then— and only then —can one have FAITH—absolute CONFIDENCE—that what he does is being recorded in God’s mind, to be remembered when he receives his
reward. If you are uncertain that God exists because proof of that existence has not been firmly established, then, under fire, your faith will wane or disappear.

But Which God?
The apostle Paul wrote, “For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords
many ,) but to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things …HOWBEIT THERE IS NOT IN EVERY MAN THAT KNOWLEDGE…” ( I Cor. 8:5-7 ).
The religions of this world have created many gods of wood, stone and other material. Others exist only in the minds of men. The ancient
Greeks alone served 30,000 gods and modern Hindus worship 5 million gods! Truly, there are, and have always been, “gods many, and
lords many .” Yet, the God of the Bible created all the materials that men use to design their own gods. But, as Paul said, “there is not in
every man that knowledge.” Such unnecessary ignorance and confusion!
The God of the Bible has shown the way to peace, happiness and abundant life for all people willing to study His Instruction Book.
Doing this would rid mankind of the
confusion and evils that encompass this world. But it is not our purpose here to prove that the God of the Bible is the one true God of Creation.

DOES GOD TRUELY EXIST?????????????????

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